已发表论文46 篇,其中SCI 收录论文26 篇(第一或通讯作者18 篇)。2006年以来的代表性论文:
Zhao, P., Tang, X.Y.*, Zhao, P., Wang C., Tang, J.L. Identifying the water source for subsurface flow with deuterium and oxygen-18 isotopes of soil water collected from tension lysimeters and cores. Journal of Hydrology, 2013, 503: 1–10.
Zhao, P., Tang, X.Y.*, Zhao, P., Wang, C., Tang, J.L. Tracing water flow from sloping farmland to streams using oxygen-18 isotope to study a small agricultural catchment in southwest China. Soil & Tillage Research, 2013, 134: 180–194.
Xiong, J.F., Tang, X.Y.*, Zhou, G.M., Guan, Z., Wu, L.M. Dispersive solid phase extraction coupled with HPLC-UV for simultaneous determination of chlorpyrifos and 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol in soil samples. Analytical Methods, 2013, 5(2), 536–540.
Xiong, J.F., Guan, Z., Zhou, G.M., Tang, X.Y.*, Lv, Y.J., Wang, H.L. Determination of chlorpyrifos in environmental water samples by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction with solidification of a ?oating organic drop followed by gas chromatography with flame photometry detection. Analytical Methods, 2012, 4 (10): 3246–3250.
Tang, X.Y., Katou, H., Suzuki, K., Ohtani, T. Air-drying and liming effects on exchangeable cadmium mobilization in contaminated soils: A repeated batch extraction study. Geoderma, 2011, 161(1-2): 18–29.
Tang, X.Y., Weisbrod, N. Dissolved and colloidal transport of cesium in natural discrete fractures. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2010, 39(3): 1066–1076.
Tang, X.Y., Weisbrod, N. Colloid-facilitated transport of lead in natural discrete fractures, Environmental Pollution, 2009, 157(8-9): 2266–2274.
Tang, X.Y., Cui, Y.S., Duan, J., Tang, L. Pilot study of temporal variations in lead bioaccessibility and chemical fractionation in some Chinese soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 160(1): 29–36.
Tang, X.Y., Zhu, Y.G., Shan, X.Q., McLaren, R., Duan, J. The ageing effect on the bioaccessibility and fractionation of arsenic in soils from China. Chemosphere, 2007, 66(7): 1183–1190.
Tang, X.Y., Zhu, Y.G., Cui, Y.S., Duan, J., Tang, L. The effect of ageing on the bioaccessibility and fractionation of cadmium in some typical soils of China. Environment International, 2006, 32(5): 682–689.
Tang, X.Y., Tang, L., Zhu, Y.G., Xing, B.S., Duan, J., Zheng, M.H. Assessment of the bioaccessibility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils from Beijing using an in vitro test. Environmental Pollution, 2006, 140(2): 279–285.