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成都市天府新区群贤南街189号 中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所




(1) 山地灾害监测预警

(2) 山地灾害减灾理论

(3) 山地灾害防治技术



1. 2021中国交通运输协会科技进步奖一等奖,特长隧道不良地质致灾机理及控制技术;

2. 2020年度中国科学院杰出科技成就奖,山地灾害形成机理与防治研究集体;

3. 2020年中国公路建设行业协会科技进步二等奖,地震液化诱发高速公路边坡失稳的绿色高性能加固材料关键技术研究;

4. 2020年中国产学研合作促进会产学研合作创新成果优秀奖,尾矿制备的绿色高性能材料在公路高边坡地震液化流滑破坏加固中的应用及产业化。


1. Jiang, Y J, Hu, X B, Liang, H, et al. A Physically Based Model for the Sequential Evolution Analysis of Rainfall‐Induced Shallow Landslides in a Catchment[J]. Water Resources Research,2023.

2. Jiang, Y J, Song, Y, Ning, P. et al. Research on the buffering measure of rock shed against the impact of dry granular flow with concern of structure damage[J]. Landslides, 2022.

3. Jiang Y J, Alam M, Su L J, et al. Effect of root orientation on the strength characteristics of loess in drained and undrained triaxial tests[J]. Engineering Geology, 2021.

4. Jiang Y J, Fan X Y, Su L J, et al. Experimental validation of a new semi-empirical impact force model of the dry granular flow impact against a rigid barrier[J]. Landslides, 2020.

5. Jiang Y J, Wang Z Z, Song Y, et al. Cushion Layer Effect on the Impact of a Dry Granular Flow Against a Curved Rock Shed[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018.

6. Jiang Y J, Fan X Y, Li T H, et al. Influence of particle-size segregation on the impact of dry granular flow[J]. Powder Technology, 2018.

7. Hu, X B, Jiang, Y J, Ning P, et al. A Hydrodynamic-Based Physical Unified Modeling for Simulating Shallow Landslide Local Failures, Mass Release and Debris Flow Run-Out Extent Behavior[J]. Water Resources Research,2024.

8. Zhu Y J, Jiang, Y J, Liu Y T, et al. Material characteristic-controlled particle segregation in rock-ice avalanche[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2024.

9. Liang H, Jiang Y J, Ning P, et al. A modified friction-viscous solid boundary of the SPH method for landslide simulation[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023.

10. Alam, M, Jiang, YJ, Umar, M. et al. Influence of drainage and root biomass on soil mechanical behavior in triaxial tests[J]. Acta Geotech, 2022.


1. 中科院 A 类先导专项:雅江地质与环境科技攻关先导专项项目三,2023,项目首席.

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:冰岩崩碎屑流的超强流动机制及动力模型研究,2022,主持.

3. 中科院 A 类先导专项美丽中国专项子课题:不同生态水文条件下岩土体失稳破坏判据与滑坡泥石流形成特征,2019,参与.

4. 中科院 A 类先导专项丝路专项专题:重点工程灾害风险识别和应对方案,2018,参与.

5. 中科院百人计划 C 类,2018,主持.

6. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作交流项目课题 2:根系-岩土复合体物理力学参数时空演化与破坏判据,2018,主持.

版权所有:中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所 蜀ICP备05003828号川公网安备 51010702001669号
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