l Youchao Chen, Shuqin Ma, Hongmao Jiang, Yang Hub, Xuyang Lu. 2020. Influences of litter diversity and soil moisture on soil microbial communities in decomposing mixed litter of alpine steppe species. Geoderma 377: 114577. (Corresponding author)
l Yang Hu, Hongmao Jiang, Fenglan Wang, Zongheng Xu, Youchao Chen, Shuqin Ma, Yan Yan, Xuyang Lu. 2020. Opposite responses of global warming potential to ammonium and nitrate addition in an alpine steppe soil from northern Tibet. Global Ecology and Conservation 23: e01115. (Corresponding author)
l YunXu, Xiaoping Qiu, XuetingYang, Xuyang Lu, Guojie Chen. 2020. Disaster risk management models for rural relocation communities of mountainous southwestern China under the stress of geological disasters. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 50: 101697. (Corresponding author)
l Youchao Chen, Shuqin Ma, Hongmao Jiang, Degyi Yangzom, Genwei Cheng, Xuyang Lu. 2019. Decomposition time, chemical traits and climatic factors determine litter-mixing effects on decomposition in an alpine steppe ecosystem in Northern Tibet. Plant and Soil doi.org/10.1007/s11104-019- 04131-9. (Corresponding author)
l Youchao Chen, Shuqin Ma, Jing Liu, Genwei Cheng, Xuyang Lu. 2018. Soil C and N dynamics and their non-additive responses to litter mixture under different moisture conditions from an alpine steppe soil, Northern Tibet. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 125: 231–238. (Corresponding author)
l Xuyang Lu, Shuqin Ma, Youchao Chen, Degyi Yangzom, Hongmao Jiang. 2018. Squalene Found in Alpine Grassland Soils under a Harsh Environment in the Tibetan Plateau, China. Biomolecules 8: 154.
l Shuqin Ma, Youchao Chen, Xuyang Lu, Xiaodan Wang. 2018. Soil organic matter chemistry: based on pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS).Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry15: 389–403. (Corresponding author)
l Jian Sun, Baibing Ma, Xuyang Lu. 2018. Grazing enhances soil nutrient effects: trade-offs between above and below-ground biomass in alpine grasslands of the Tibetan Plateau. Land Degradation and Development 29: 337–348. (Corresponding author)
l Xuyang Lu, Kathy C. Kelsey, Yan Yan, Jian Sun, Xiaodan Wang, Genwei Cheng, Jason C. Neff. 2017. Effects of grazing on ecosystem structure and function of alpine grasslands in Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau: a synthesis. Ecosphere 8: e01656.
l Youchao Chen, Shuqin Ma, Jian Sun, Xiaodan Wang, Genwei Cheng, Xuyang Lu. 2017. Chemical diversity and incubation time affect non-additive responses of soil carbon and nitrogen cycling to litter mixtures from an alpine steppe soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 109: 124–134. (Corresponding author)
l X. Lu, Y. Yan, J. Sun, X. Zhang, Y. Chen, X. Wang, G. Cheng. 2015. Short-teim grazing exclusion has no impact on soil properties and nutrients of degraded alpine grassland in Tibet, China. Solid Earth 6: 1195–1205.
l Xuyang Lu, Yan Yan, Jian Sun, Xiaoke Zhang, Youchao Chen, Xiaodan Wang and Genwei Cheng. 2015. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus storage in alpine grassland ecosystems of Tibet: effects of grazing exclusion. Ecology and Evolution 5: 4492–4504.
l Youchao Chen, Jian Sun, Fangting Xie, Xiaodan Wang, Genwei Cheng, Xuyang Lu. 2015. Litter chemical structure is more important than species richness in affecting soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics including gas emissions from an Alpine soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 51: 791–800. (Corresponding author)
l Youchao Chen, Jian Sun, Fangting Xie, Yan Yan, Xiaodan Wang, Genwei Cheng, Xuyang Lu. 2015. Non-additive effects of litter diversity on greenhouse gas emissions from alpine steppe soil in Northern Tibet. Scientific Reports 5: 17664; doi: 10.1038/srep17664. (Corresponding author)
l Xiaoke Zhang, Xuyang Lu, Xiaodan Wang. 2015. Spatial-temporal NDVI variation of different alpine grassland classes and groups in Northern Tibet from 2000 to 2013. Mountain Research and Development 35: 254–263. (Corresponding author)