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成都市人民南路四段九号 中科院成都山地所


    男,198111月出生,博士,研究员。2000.09--2004.09  四川师范大学资源与环境学院地理科学专业本科学习;2004.09--2009.07  中科院成都山地所自然地理学专业博士研究生(硕博连读);2009.07至今,在中国科学院成都山地所工作。






第一作者/通讯作者发表论文40余篇,其中SCI检索13篇,EI检索9篇,参与编写专著4 部,授权发明专利4项,软件著作权3项。近年来主要的代表性论文有:

(1)      Yang Z*, Wang L, Qiao J, Uchimura T, Wang L. Application and verification of a multivariate real-time early warning method for rainfall-induced landslides: implication for evolution of landslide-generated debris flows. Landslides202010.1007/s10346-020-01402-w.

(2)      Yang Z*, Qiao J, Uchimura T, et al. Unsaturated hydro-mechanical behaviour of rainfall-induced mass remobilization in post-earthquake landslides. Engineering Geology, 2017, 222: 102-110.

(3)      Yang Z*, Cai H, Shao W, et al. Clarifying the hydrological mechanisms and thresholds for rainfall-induced landslide: in situ monitoring of big data to unsaturated slope stability analysis. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2018, 78(4): 2139-2150.

(4)      Yang Z*, Shao W, Qiao J, et al. A Multi-Source Early Warning System of MEMS Based Wireless Monitoring for Rainfall-Induced Landslides. Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(12):1234.

(5)      Liu, W., Z. Yang* and S. He. "Modeling the landslide-generated debris flow from formation to propagation and run-out by considering the effect of vegetation." Landslides2020: 1-16. 10.1007/s10346-020-01478-4.

(6)      Cai H, Yang Z-J*, Wang L-Y, Lei X-Q, Fu X-L, Liu S-H, Qiao J-P (2019) An Experimental Study on the Hydromechanical Behaviours of the Evolution of Postearthquake Landslide Deposits. Geofluids2019:18

(7)      Wei Shao, Zongji Yang*, Junjun Ni et al. Comparison of single- and dual-permeability models in simulating the unsaturated hydro-mechanical behavior in a rainfall-triggered landslide. Landslides, 2018, 1-16.

(8)      Lei Xiaoqin,Yang Zongji*,He Siming,et al. Numerical investigation of rainfall-induced fines migration and its influences on slope stability. Acta Geotechnica, 2017,12(6):1431-1446.

(9)      杨宗佶*,王礼勇,石莉莉等.降雨滑坡多指标监测预警方法研究,岩石力学与工程学报,2020 39:272-285

(10) 杨宗佶*, 蔡焕, 雷小芹等. 非饱和地震滑坡堆积体降雨破坏水-力耦合行为的试验研究. 岩土力学, 2019, 40(5):1-12.

(11) 杨宗佶*, 丁朋朋, 王栋. 川藏铁路(康定至林芝段)沿线滑坡风险分析. 铁道学报, 2018, 40(9):97-103.



1)        国家自然科学基金面上项目:川藏交通廊道冰碛土滑坡渗流特性及其热水力耦合机制

2)        国家自然科学基金面上项目:拉槽侵蚀型泥石流物源演进过程及动储量预测

3)        中科院STS区域重点项目:川藏铁路重大地质灾害链式效应监测预警技术

4)        中科院STS重大项目课题:川藏铁路沿线山地灾害风险分析

5)        中科院重点部署项目课题:山地灾害链形成条件及对铁路工程的影响

6)        科技部国际合作专项课题:降雨性滑坡泥石流监测预警技术与示范

7)        科技部科技支撑计划课题:滑坡无线实时监测预警技术研究

8)        山地所青年百人团队项目:地震滑坡堆积体降雨激发破坏的时空规律研究

9)        国家自然科学基金青年项目:降雨激发条件下震裂坡地破坏过程试验研究

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