1. Da Wei, Hui Zhao, Yongheng Gao, Xufeng Wang, Xiaodan Wang * (2022) Reply to Ma and Zuo: Ecological restoration across the Tibetan Plateau may further benefit the CO2 sink. PNAS, 119(5), e2121009119. 科学发现:青藏高原大规模生态工程和生态系统恢复有助于高寒草地碳汇提升。
2. Da Wei, Yulan Zhang, Tanguang Gao, Lei Wang, Xiaodan Wang * (2021b) Reply to Song and Wang: Terrestrial CO2 sink dominates net ecosystem carbon balance of the Tibetan Plateau. PNAS, 118 (46), e2116631118. 科学发现:考虑冰川、河流、湖泊、热融湖塘、湿地、草地等,青藏高原仍是重要的碳汇,青藏高原陆地生态系统CO2吸收在区域碳汇中发挥主导作用。
3. Da Wei, Yahui Qi, Yaoming Ma, Xufeng Wang, Weiqiang Ma, Tanguang Gao, Lin Huang, Hui Zhao, Jianxin Zhang, Xiaodan Wang* (2021a) Plant uptake outpaces permafrost and plant carbon loss on the Tibetan Plateau. PNAS, 118 (33), e2015283118. 科学发现:青藏高原高寒草地是净的CO2汇,强度为科学界预期值4倍以上,气候暖湿化下的CO2汇显著增强。
4. Yahui Qi, Da Wei*, Hui Zhao, Xiaodan Wang* (2021) Carbon sink of a very high marshland on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 126, e2020JG006235. 科学发现:高寒湿地碳汇强度高于预期,气候变暖有利于碳汇增长。
5. Da Wei, Hui Zhao, Jianxin Zhang, Yahui Qi, Xiaodan Wang * (2020) Human activities alter response of alpine grasslands on Tibetan Plateau to climate change. Journal of Environmental Management, 262, 110335. 科学发现:过去20年间高寒草地生态工程驱动作用增强。
6. Da Wei, Hui Zhao, Xiaodan Wang* (2020) Feedbacks of alpine wetlands on the Tibetan Plateau to the atmosphere. Wetlands, 40: 787–797. 科学发现:系统总结了过去40年间青藏高原高寒湿地在气候变化和人类活动下发生的变化,及其对气候的反馈过程。
7. Da Wei, Tingting Li, Xiaodan Wang* (2019) Overestimation of China’s marshland CH4 release. Global Change Biology, 25(8): 2515-2517. 科学发现:青藏高原高寒湿地在高海拔低温环境下CH4释放量低于科学界预期
8. Da Wei, Xiaoke Zhang, Xiaodan Wang* (2018) Strengthening hydrological regulation of China's wetland greenness under a warmer climate. Journal of Geophysical Research, 122(12): 3206–3217. 科学发现:青藏高原高寒湿地生产力的年际变化对水分变化变得更加敏感。
9. Da Wei and Xiaodan Wang* (2017b) Recent climatic changes and wetland expansion turned Tibet to a net CH4 source. Climatic Change, 144: 657–670. 科学发现:气候变暖和湿地面积扩张使青藏高原成为净CH4源。
10. Da Wei and Xiaodan Wang* (2017a) Uncertainty and dynamics of natural wetland CH4 release in China. Atmospheric Environment, 154: 95?105. 科学发现:青藏高原低温、有机碳匮乏和植物生产较低导致其CH4释放量严重低于温带地区。
11. Da Wei, Xiaodan Wang* (2016) Methane exchanges of the natural ecosystems in China during the past three decades: the role of wetland extent and its dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research, 121(9): 2445?2463. 科学发现:我国天然湿地CH4释放总体减弱,非湿地系统CH4吸收总体平稳。【
12. Da Wei, Xu-Ri*, Tenzin-Tarchen et al. (2015b) Revisiting the role of CH4 emissions from alpine wetlands on the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from two in situ measurements at 4758 and 4320 m above sea level, Journal of Geophysical Research, 120(9): 1741?1750. 科学发现:高寒湿地内微地形起伏显著导致吸收和排放并存,青藏高原湿地是CH4弱源。
13. Da Wei, Xu-Ri*, Tenzin-Tarchen, Yuesi Wang, Yinghong Wang (2015a) Considerable CH4 uptake by alpine grasslands despite the cold climate: in situ measurements on the central Tibetan Plateau, 2008–2013. Global Change Biology, 21, 777?788. 科学发现:高寒草地是重要的CH4汇,实测强度是以往机理模型模拟值的3倍。【代表作】
14. Da Wei, Xu-Ri*, Liu Yongwen et al. (2014) Three-year study of CO2 efflux and CH4/N2O fluxes at an alpine steppe site and their responses to simulated N deposition. Geoderma, 232?234: 88?96. 科学发现:未来氮沉降潜在影响下的高寒草地CH4吸收量总体保持稳定。
15. Da Wei, Xu-Ri*, Yinghong Wang et al. (2012) Responses of CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes to livestock exclosure in an alpine steppe on the Tibetan Plateau, China. Plant and Soil, 359: 45?55. 科学发现:青藏高原大规模的退牧还草能够提高CH4吸收。
16. Zhang, J., Da Wei, Hong, J., & Wang, X. Depthwise Soil CO2 Production is Controlled by Freeze–Thaw Processes in a Tibetan Alpine Steppe. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, e2021JG006678. 科学发现:系统研究了青藏高原腹地高寒草原地下CO2排放的过程,发现根层CO2排放居绝对地位。
17. Zhang, J., Hong, J., Da Wei, & Xiaodan, W. Severe freezing increases soil respiration during the thawing period: a meta‐analysis. European Journal of Soil Science, 1– 6. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejss.13161.
18. Liu, Y., Da Wei, Zhao, J., Geng, X., & Dai, D. (2021). Nitrogen addition alters CN cycling in alpine rangelands: Evidence from a 4-year in situ field experiment. CATENA, 203, 105366.
19. Liu, Y., Geng, X., Da Wei, & Dai, D. (2020). Divergence in ecosystem carbon fluxes and soil nitrogen characteristics across alpine steppe, alpine meadow and alpine swamp ecosystems in a biome transition zone. Science of The Total Environment, 748, 142453.
20. Liu, Y., Geng, X., Da Wei, & Dai, D. (2020). Grazing exclusion enhanced net ecosystem carbon uptake but decreased plant nutrient content in an alpine steppe. Catena, 195, 104799.
21. Gao, T., Wang, X., Da Wei, Wang, T., Liu, S., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Transboundary water scarcity under climate change. Journal of Hydrology X, 100080.
22. Zhang, Y., Kang, S., Da Wei, Luo, X., Wang, Z., & Gao, T. (2021). Sink or source? Methane and carbon dioxide emissions from cryoconite holds, subglacial sediments, and proglacial river runoff during intensive glacier melting on the Tibetan Plateau. Fundamental Research. 1(3): 232-239,
23. Qu, S., Yu, J., Li, F., Da Wei, & Borjigidai, A. (2021). Nitrogen deposition accelerates greenhouse gas emissions at an alpine steppe site on the Tibetan Plateau. Science of The Total Environment, 765, 144277.
24. Hui Zhao, Da Wei, Yan Yan, Jianbo Wu, Xiaodan Wang* (2020) Alpine hummocks drive plant diversity and soil fertile islands on the Tibetan Plateau. Wetlands, doi: 10.1007/s13157-020-01275-8.
25. Yan FP, Mika S, SC Kang, KS Aho, B Qu, Da Wei, Xiaofei Li, Chaoliu Li, Peter A. Raymond (2018) Lakes on the Tibetan Plateau as conduits of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research. 123 (7): 2091-2103.
26. Chen XP, GX Wang*, T Zhang, TX Mao, Da Wei, Zhaoyong Hu, and Chunlin Song (2017b) Effects of warming and nitrogen fertilization on GHG flux in the permafrost region of an alpine meadow. Atmospheric Environment, 157: 111?124.
27. Chen XP, GX Wang*, T Zhang, TX Mao, Da Wei, Zhaoyong Hu, and Chunlin Song. (2017a) Effects of warming and nitrogen fertilization on GHG flux in an alpine swamp meadow of a permafrost region. Science of the Total Environment, 8:1389?1399.
28. Yongwen Liu, Xu-Ri*, Xingliang Xu, Da Wei, Yinghong Wang, Yuesi Wang (2013) Plant and soil responses of an alpine steppe on the Tibetan Plateau to multi-level nitrogen addition. Plant and Soil, 373(1?2): 515?522.
29. 魏达, 旭日*, 王迎红, 姚檀栋 (2011) 青藏高原纳木错高寒草原温室气体通量及与环境因子关系研究. 草地学报, 19(3): 412?419.
30. 庄小四, 魏达* (2012) 陆地生态系统氮饱和监测指标及氮沉降控制研究进展. 环境科学与技术, 35(9):68?76.
31. 耿晓东, 旭日*, 魏达 (2017). 多梯度增温对青藏高原高寒草甸温室气体通量的影响. 生态环境学报, 26(3), 445?452.
32. 旦增塔庆,旭日*,魏学红,魏达, 刘永稳,王迎红 (2014) 西藏纳木错高寒草原、高寒草甸和沼泽化草甸主要温室气体通量对比研究. 草地学报, 22(3): 78-86.