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四川省成都市天府新区群贤南街189号 中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所











[1]Ziyi Li1,Xiangbang Ma1,Shuangting Zhang,Geng Chen,Yineng Lu,Rong Tan,Ram Proshad, Xifeng Zhang*,Xiuwen Cheng,Zhuanjun Zhao*.Enhancing soil quality and maize growth while reducing Cd accumulation with biochar and humic acid in northwestern China[J].Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering.2025,13:115602.

[2] Ram Proshad, S. M. Asharaful Abedin Asha , Rong Tan, Yineng Lu,Md Anwarul Abedin, Zihao Ding, Shuangting Zhang,Ziyi Li,Geng Chen,Zhuanjun Zhao*.Machine learning models with innovative outlier detection techniques for predicting heavy metal contamination in soils[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2025,481.

[3] RamProshad, S. M. Asharaful Abedin Asha , Md Anwarul Abedin, Geng Chen,  Ziyi Li , Shuangting Zhang,  Rong Tan, Yineng Lu,Xifeng Zhang ,Zhuanjun Zhao*. Pollution area identification, receptor model-oriented sources and probabilistic health hazards to prioritize control measures for heavy metal management in soils[J].Journal of Environmental Management.2024,369.

[4] Ram Proshad,Jie Li, Guohuai Sun, Xu Zheng, Haoyu Yue, Geng Chen,Shuangting Zhang, Ziyi Li, Zhuanjun Zhao*.Field application of hydroxyapatite and humic acid for remediation of metal-contaminated alkaline soil[J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2024, 31:13155 -13174.

[5] Ram Proshad , Krishno Chandra , Pritom Bhowmik Akash , S.M. Asharaful Abedin Asha , Shakhboz Khasanov , Artho Baroi , Zhuanjun Zhao*, Khalid A. Ibrahim Abubakr M. Idris. A global meta-analysis of radiological contamination in soils and Monte Carlo simulation- oriented hazards evaluation[J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2023, 11:111603.

[6] Yanyan Yang, Zhuanjun Zhao *, Yang Chang , Huan Wang , Haiyan Wang* , Weiyang Dong , Guokai Yan. PAHs and PAEs in the surface sediments from Nenjiang River and the Second Songhua River, China: Distribution, composition and risk assessment[J].Process Safety and Environmental Protection.2023, 178 : 765-775.

[7] Liangwei Han, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Jie Li, Xiangbang Ma,Xu Zheng, Haoyu Yue, Guohuai Sun, Zhiyuan Lin, Shuqi Guan. Remediation of Cd Contaminated Alkaline Soil by Humic and Hydroxyapatite: A Field Trial[J]. Science of the Total Environment. 2023,859:160315.

[8] Zhuanjun Zhao, Liwei Yao, Jie Li, Xiangbang Ma,Liangwei Han, Zhiyuan Lin, Shuqi Guan. Determination of interactions of ferrihydrite-humic acid-Pb (II) system [J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2022,29:21561-21575.

[9] Yiran Song, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Jing Li, Yang You, Xiangbang Ma, Jie Li, Xiuwen Cheng*, Preparation of silicon-doped ferrihydrite for adsorption of lead and cadmium: Property and mechanism, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2021,32:3169-3174.

[10] Jing Li, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Yiran Song, Yang You, Jie Li, Xiuwen Cheng*. Synthesis of Mg(II) doped ferrihydrite-humic acid coprecipitation and its Pb(II)/Cd(II) ion sorption mechanism[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2021:32:3231-3236.

[11]Yang You, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Yiran Song, Jing Li, Jie Li. Synthesis of magnetized nitrogen-doped biochar and its high efficiency for elimination of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride by activation of peroxymonosulfate[J]. Separation and Purification Technology. 2021, 258, 117977.

[12] Yang You, Zekai Shi, Yunhe Li,Zhuanjun Zhao*,Bo He, Xiuwen Cheng*.Magnetic cobalt ferrite biochar composite as peroxymonosulfate activator for removal of lomefloxacin hydrochloride [J].Separation and Purification Technology.2021,272,118889

[13] Miaomiao Xu, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Yiran Song, Jing Li, Yang You, Jie Li. Evaluation of ferrihydrite-humic acid coprecipitate as amendment to remediate a Cd- and Pb-contaminated soil[J]. Geoderma.2020,361:114131.

[14] Miao Shi, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Yiran Song, et al. A novel heat-treated humic acid/MgAl-layered double hydroxide composite for efficient removal of cadmium: Fabrication, performance and mechanisms[J]. Applied Clay Science [J]. 2020.187: 105482.











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