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四川省成都市天府新区群贤南街189号 中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所


1992年获中科院理学硕士学位,2002年获中科院理学博士学位,20022004年在电子科技大学经济与管理学院从事博士后研究,期间分别在日本国立京都大学文学院、加拿大达尔豪斯(Dalhousie University)生态效率中心(Eco-Efficiency Centre)从事国际合作研究与高级访问学者。现任中科院成都山地所研究员、博士研究生导师、成都山地所学术委员会副主任、学位委员会委员;WCRP/CliCIUGG/IACS中国委员会冰冻圈与可持续发展专业委员会主任;国际区域研究协会(RSA)中国分会理事;南非自由州大学ARU科学委员会委员;中国地理学会经济地理专业委员会副主任;中国科学院大学岗位教授;四川省学术和技术带头人;“山地学报”副主编,2018年度被国际山地中心授予山地荣誉提名奖。






3Resilient Economy and Society by Integrated SysTems modelling(中英联合基金)(在研)











(1)         Fang Yiping, Zhu Fubiao, Yi Shuhua, Qiu Xiaoping, Ding Yongjian. Role of permafrost in resilience of social-ecological system and its spatio-temporal dynamics in the source regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. Journal of Mountain Science, 2019, 16(1): 179-194.

(2)          Yiping Fang. Investigate the impact of environmental changes on rural livelihood and the necessity of corresponding cascading adaptation using the Koshi River basin as a case study. Impact, 2018, 2018(8): 42-43(2).

(3)          Yiping Fang.The role of permafrost in ecological resilience of alpine grassland and spatial heterogeneity in the source regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography, 2018, 8, 54.

(4)          Yi-ping Fang, Fu-biao Zhu, Xiao-ping Qiu, Shuang Zhao. Effects of natural disasters on livelihood resilience of rural residents in Sichuan. Habitat International, 2018, 76, 19-28.

(5)          Yiping Fang, Xueqian Song. Adaptation against Rural Household Vulnerability at the Up Reaches of Koshi River. In ICIMOD (ed.), Workshop on the water-livelihoods-gender nexus to advance Koshi Basin management. 24-25 March 2016, Kathmandu, Nepal, Workshop Report 2017. Kathmandu: ICIMOD, pp, 31-35.

(6)          Fang Yi-ping, Ying Bin. Spatial distribution of mountainous regions and classifications of economic development in China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2016, 13(6):1120-1138.

(7)          Yi-ping Fang, Chen Zhao, Golam Rasul, Shahriar M Wahid.Rural household vulnerability and strategies for improvement: An empirical analysis based on time series. Habitat International, 2016,53, 254-264.

(8)          Yi-ping Fang, Chen Zhao, Yongjian Ding, Da-he Qin, Jia-li Huang. Impacts of snow disaster on meat production and adaptation: an empirical analysis in the yellow river source region. Sustainability Science,2016,11,246-260.

(9)          Yiping Fang, Yun-wei Liu, Xiao Yan. Meat production’ sensitivity and adaptation to precipitation concentration index during the growing season of grassland: Insights from rural households. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2015, 201:51–60.

(10)      Yiping Fang, Jie Fan, Maoying Shen, Mengqiang Song. Sensitivity of livelihood strategy to livelihood capital in mountain areas: empirical analysis based on different settlements in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River, China. Ecological Indicators, 2014, 38(3): 225-235.

(11)      Yiping Fang. Managing the three-rivers headwater region, China: from ecological engineering to social Engineering. AMBIO, 2013,42(5):566-576

(12)      Yiping Fang, Yanqiang Wei. Climate change adaptation on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: The importance of solar energy utilization for rural household. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013, 18(2):508-518

(13)      Yiping Fang. The effect of pastoralist’s perception innovation on livelihood improvement: based on empirical analysis in the source region of Yellow River, China. Journal of Sustainable Development, 2013, 6(3):16-30.

(14)      Fang Yiping. The effects of natural capital protection on pastoralist’s livelihood and management implication in the source region of the Yellow River, China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2013, 10(5):885-897.

(15)      Yiping Fang. Inverted-U curve for material consumption of China industrial system: a new implication from environmental regulation. Advances in Environmental Research, 2012, 1(4):237-255.

(16)      Fang Yiping, Fan Jie, Shen Maoying, Song MengQiang. Gradient effect on farmers’ income in the mountain areas and its implication for poverty alleviation strategies: Empirical analysis from the upper reach of Minjiang River. Journal of Mountain Science, 2012, 9(6):869-878.

(17)      Yiping Fang. Investment threshold and management reflection for industrial system cleaning: a case for China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2012, 19(3):666-676.

(18)      Yiping Fang, Wei Deng. The critical scale and section management of cascade hydropower exploitation in Southwestern China. Energy, 2011, 36(10):5944-5953.

(19)      Yiping Fang. Economic welfare impacts from renewable energy consumption: the China experience.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2011, 15(9): 5120-5128.

(20)      Yiping Fang, Dahe Qin, Yongjian Ding. Frozen soil change and adaptation of animal husbandry: a case of the source regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. Environmental Science & Policy, 2011, 14(5):555-568.

(21)      Fang Yiping, Qin Dahe, Ding Yongjian, Yang Jianping, Xu Keyan. The influence of spatio-temporal pattern of permafrost on NPP and policy adaptation implications: a case of the source regions of Yangtze and Yellow rivers. Journal of Mountain Science, 2011, 8(3):437-447.

(22)      Yiping Fang, Wei Deng. Affecting elements and regional variables based on the objective of carbon intensity reduction in China. Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2011, 18(2):109-117.

(23)      Yiping Fang, Dahe Qin, Yongjian Ding. Changes of stress of grassland ecosystem in the three counties of the source regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. Journal of Arid Land, 2010, 2(2):116-122.

(24)      Yiping Fang, Mingjie Wang, Wei Deng, Keyan Xu. Exploitation scale of hydropower based on instream flow requirements: a case from southwest China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2010, 14(8):2290-2297.

(25)      Yiping Fang, Houzhen Zhou. Value flow analysis based on EAP industrial chain: a case of Huaning in Xichang, Sichuan. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2009, 17(2):310-316.

(26)      Fang Yiping, Qin Dahe, Ding Yongjian, et al. Adaptation management of mountain tourism service: the case of the source regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Journal of Mountain Science, 2009, 6(3):299-310.

(27)      Yiping Fang, Yong Zeng, Shiming Li. Technological influences and abatement strategies of industrial sulfur dioxide in China. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 2008, 15(2):122-131.

(28)      Yiping Fang, Yong Zeng. Balancing energy and environment: the role and perspective of management instrument in China, Energy,2007, 32(12):2247-2261.

(29)      Yiping Fang. Eco-industrial parks in China. The Encyclopedia of Earth, 2007.

(30)      Yiping Fang, Raymond P Cote, Rong Qin. Industrial sustainability in China: practice and perspective for eco-Industrial development. Journal of Environmental Management, 2007, 83(3):315-328.

(31)      Yiping Fang. Eco-tourism planning for Wolong Nature Reserve, China: form philosophy to practice. Journal of Tourism, 2006, 8, 1-16.

(32)      Fang Yiping, Zeng Yong, Li Shiming. Relationships among industrialization, urbanization and urban environment of Sichuan Province. In Wang Fanghua, Chen Hongming, Development Report of Metropolitan Area at Home and Abroad (2006). Shanghai Joint Publishing Company, 2006, 471-480.

(33)      Yiping Fang, Raymond P.Cote. Towards sustainability: objectives, strategies and barriers for cleaner production in China. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 2005, 12(4):443-460.

(34)      Fang Yiping, Zeng Yong, Li Shiming. Management philosophy and practice of habitat conservation in Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, Sichuan. Journal of Wuhan University of Natural Science, 2005, 10(4):730-738.

(35)      Yiping Fang, Guojie Chen. Approaches to the environmental management of disasters in mountain areas of China. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 2004, 11(2):169-180.

(36)      Yiping Fang, Chen Guojie. Human activity response and prevention strategies on soil and water loss in China. Science in China, 2003, 46, Supp.91-109.

(37)      Fang Yiping, Chen Guojie. Systemic design and coordination acts of ecological security in upper reaches of Yangtze River. Journal of Wuhan University of Natural Science, 2003, 8(3B):978-995.

(38)      Yiping Fang. Eco-tourism in western Sichuan, China: the replacing forestry-based economy. Mountain Research and Development,2002, 22(2):115-117.

(39)      Cong-shan Tian, Yi-ping Fang*, Liang Emlyn Yang, Chenjia Zhang. Spatial-temporal analysis of community resilience to multi-hazards in the Anning River basin, Southwest China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2019, 101144.

(40)      Chenjia Zhang, Yiping Fang*, Xiujuan Chen, Tian Congshan. Bibliometric analysis of trends in global sustainable livelihood research. Sustainability, 2019, 11, 1150.

(41)      Zhu Fu-biao,Fang Yi-ping*, Yang Xue-ting, Qiu Xiao-ping, Yu Hu.Effects of altitude on county economic development in China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2018, 15(2):406-418.

(42)      Yang Xue-ting, Fang Yi-ping*, Qiu Xiao-ping, Zhu Fu-biao. Gradient effect of road transportation on economic development in different geomorphic regions. Journal of Mountain Science, 2018, 15(1):181-197.

(43)      Xiaoping Qiu, Yiping Fang*, Xueting Yang, Fubiao Zhu. Tourism eco-efficiency measurement, characteristics, and its influence factors in China. Sustainability,2017, 9, 1634.

(44)      Xiao Yan, Yiping Fang*. CO2 emissions and mitigation potential of the Chinese manufacturing industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 103, 759-773.

(45)      Yanqiang Wei, Yiping Fang. Spatio-temporal characteristics of global warming in the Tibetan Plateau during the last 50 years based on a generalised temperature zone - elevation model. PLOS one, 2013,8(4): e60044.

(46)      Xiaoping Qiu, Xueting Yang, Yiping Fang*, Yun Xu, Fubiao Zhu. Impacts of snow disaster on rural livelihoods in southern Tibet-Qinghai Plateau. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2018, 31,143-152.

(47)      Yanqiang Wei, Shijin Wang, Yiping Fang, Zain Nawaz. Integrated assessment on the vulnerability of animal husbandry to snow disasters under climate change in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 2017, 157:139-152.

(48)      Wang Xu-Xin, Wang Gen-Xu, Fang Yi-Ping. Factors Influencing the Energy Efficiency of Tourism Transport in China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2016,7(4):246-253.

(49)      方一平, 朱付彪, 宜树华, 邱孝枰, 丁永建. 多年冻土对青藏高原草地生态承载力的贡献研究. 气候变化研究进展, 2019, 15(2):150-157.

(50)      方一平. 黄河源区牧民观念更新的生计促进效应. 山地学报, 2013,31(2):150-159.

(51)      方一平, 秦大河, 邓茂芝, 葛中全. 基于社会学视角的江河源区草地生态变化和影响因素研究. 干旱区地理, 2012, 35(1):73-81.(52)      方一平, 秦大河, 丁永建. 草地生态系统人工干预对经济福利的影响-以黄河源区为例. 长江流域资源与环境, 2010,19(9):1009-1105.

(53)      方一平, 周后珍著. 生态产业园区:可持续发展的社区实践. 科学出版社, 2008.

(54)      方一平. 山区生态产业的开发及其组织研究. 四川科学技术出版社, 2003.

(55)      陈国阶, 方一平, 高延军. 中国山区发展报告-中国山区发展新动态与新探索. 商务印书馆, 2010.

(56)      陈国阶, 方一平,   勇等. 中国山区发展报告(山区聚落). 商务印书馆, 2008.

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