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时间:2020-09-08  来源: 文本大小:【 |  | 】  【打印


















  2002 — 2006 山西农业大学,学士 

  2006 — 2008 中国农业大学,硕士 

  2008 — 2012 中国农业大学,博士 

  2008 — 2012 德国Hohenheim University,联合培养博士 

  2012 — 2019 中科院成都山地所,助理研究员 

  2016 — 2017 英国UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology,访问学者 

  2020 —至今 中科院成都山地所,副研究员 










  1.Song L,Drewer J, Zhu B, Zhou M, Cowan N, Levy P, Skiba U, 2020. The impact of atmospheric N deposition and N fertilizer type on soil nitric oxide and nitrous oxide fluxes from agricultural and forest Eutric Regosols. Biology and Fertility of Soils. doi: 10.1007/s00374-020-01485-6. 

  2.Song L, Liu XJ, Skiba U, Zhu B, Zhang XF, Liu MY, Twigg M, Shen JL, Dore A, Reis S, Coyle M, Wen Z, Levy P, Fowler D, 2018. Ambient Concentrations and Deposition Rates of Selected Reactive Nitrogen Species and Their Contribution to PM2.5Aerosols at Three Locations With Contrasting Land Use in Southwest China. Environmental Pollution, 233: 1164-1176. 

  3.Song L, Kuang FH, Skiba U, Zhu B, Liu XJ, Levy P, Dore A, and Fowler D, 2017. Bulk deposition of organic and inorganic nitrogen in southwest China from 2008 to 2013. Environmental Pollution, 227: 157-166. 

  4.Song L, Bao XM, Liu XJ, Zhang FS, 2012. Impact of nitrogen addition on plant community in a semi-arid temperate steppe in China. Journal of Arid Land, 4: 3-10. 

  5.Song L, Bao XM, Liu XJ, Zhang Y, Christie P, Fangmeier A, Zhang FS, 2011. Nitrogen enrichment enhances the dominance of grasses over forbs in a temperate steppe ecosystem. Biogeosciences, 8: 2341-2350. 

  6.Liu XJ#,Song L#, He CE, Zhang FS, 2010. Nitrogen deposition as an important nutrient from the environment and its impact on ecosystems in China. Journal of Arid Land, 2:137-143. (#共同第一作者) 

  7.Lü XT, Li KH,Song L, Liu XJ. Impacts of Nitrogen Deposition on China’s Grassland Ecosystems. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020. 

  8.Cowan N, Levy P, Moring A, Simmons I, Bache C, Stephens A, Marinheiro J, Brichet J,Song L, Pickard A, McNeill C, McDonald R, Maire J, Loubet B, Voylokov P, Sutton M, Skiba U, 2019. Nitrogen use efficiency and N2O and NH3losses attributed to three fertiliser types applied to an intensively managed silage crop. Biogeosciences, 16:4731-4745. 

  9.Hao TX,Song L, Goulding K, Zhang FS, Liu XJ, 2017. Cumulative and partially recoverable impacts of nitrogen addition on a temperate steppe. Ecological Applications, 28: 237-248.  

  10.Liu XJ, Xu W, Duan L, Du EZ, Pan YP, Lu XK, Zhang L, Wu ZY, Wang XM, Zhang Y, Shen JL,Song L, Feng ZZ, Liu XY, Song W, Tang AH, Zhang YY, Zhang XY, Collett Jr JL, 2017. Atmospheric Nitrogen Emission, Deposition, and Air Quality Impacts in China: an Overview. Current Pollution Reports, 3: 65-77.  

  11.Zeng, J, Liu, X,Song L, Lin, X, Zhang, H, Shen, C, Chu, H, 2016. Nitrogen fertilization directly affects soil bacterial diversity and indirectly affects bacterial community composition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 92: 41-49. 

  12.Li KH, Liu XJ,Song L, Gong YM, Lu C, Tian C, Zhang FS, 2015. Response of alpine grassland to elevated nitrogen deposition and water supply in China. Oecologia, 177: 65-72. 

  13.Zhang Y,Song L, Liu X J, Li WQ, Lu SH, Zheng LX, Bai ZC, Cai GY, Zhang FS, 2012. Atmospheric organic nitrogen deposition in China. Atmospheric Environment, 46: 195-204. 

  14.Yao FY, Wang GA, Liu XJ,Song L, 2011. Assessment of effects of the rising atmospheric nitrogen deposition on nitrogen uptake and long-term water-use efficiency of plants using nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 25: 1827-1836. 

  15.章熙锋,宋玲*,唐家良,王芮,吴洪, 2016.绵阳市城区空气PM10PM2.5污染特征及相关性研究,环境工程34, 86-90 (通讯作者). 

  16.邵伟,张颖,宋玲,贾均彦,刘学军,蔡晓布, 2009.西藏林芝大气有机氮沉降.生态学报, 29: 5586-5591. 





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