个人简介: 鲁旭阳,2009年毕业于中科院成都山地所,获博士学位,同年留所工作。2014年~2015年在美国University of Colorado at Boulder从事合作研究1年,2017年~2019年作为Visiting Associate Professor先后在University of Colorado at Boulder、The University of Melbourne、The University of British Columbia、Rutgers University | The State University of New Jersey访问交流,并建立了良好的国际科技合作关系。先后主持国家自然科学基金等科研项目20余项,在Soil Biology and Biochemistry,Plant and Soil,Geoderma等国际刊物发表SCI收录论文40余篇。曾获中国科学院院长奖,并于2020年获得四川省杰青资助,2018年入选四川省第十二批学术和技术带头人后备人选。
招生专业: 自然地理学、生态学、土壤学
学习与工作经历: 2020.8-,中国科学院成都山地所山地表生过程与生态调控重点实验室,研究员 2019.1-2020.7,中国科学院成都山地所山地表生过程与生态调控重点实验室,青年研究员 2013.1-2018.12,中国科学院成都山地所山地表生过程与生态调控重点实验室,副研究员 2014.5-2015.5,Geological Sciences Department,University of Colorado at Boulder,Visiting Scholar 2009.7-2012.12,中国科学院成都山地所山地表生过程与生态调控重点实验室,助理研究员 2006.7-2009.6,中国科学院成都山地所山地表生过程与生态调控重点实验室,博士研究生 2003.9-2006.6,河南师范大学,生命科学学院,硕士研究生 1999.9-2003.6,河南师范大学,生命科学学院,本科阶段学习
研究方向及科研工作: 研究方向为高寒生态学、生物地球化学循环。 先后主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金、四川省杰青项目、生态环境部项目、中科院西部行动项目专题、中科院西藏创新集群专题、中科院成都山地所“135”方向性专题、中国科学院优博论文院长奖人才专项等项目。
社会任职、荣誉称号: 2020年,四川省杰出青年科技人才; 2020年,SCI期刊Journal of Mountain Science科学编委; 2019年,中文科技核心期刊《草业科学》青年编委; 2018年,四川省第十二批学术和技术带头人后备人选; 2017年,Nature出版集团SCI期刊Scientific Reports编委; 2016年,西藏自治区科技进步二等奖(排名第四); 2010年,中科院成都山地所青年百人团队; 2009年,中科院院长优秀奖。
代表性论文论著: 2020 Youchao Chen, Shuqin Ma, Hongmao Jiang, Yang Hub, Xuyang Lu*. 2020. Influences of litter diversity and soil moisture on soil microbial communities in decomposing mixed litter of alpine steppe species. Geoderma 377: 114577. (Corresponding author) Jian Sun, Miao liu, Bojie Fu, David Kemp, Wenwu Zhao, Guohua Liu, Guodong Han, Andreas Wilkes, Xuyang Lu, Youchao Chen, Genwei Cheng, Tiancai Zhou, Ge Hou, Tianyu Zhan, Fei Peng, Hua Shang, Ming Xu, Peili Shi, Yongtao He, Meng Li, Jinniu Wang, Atsushi Tsunekawa, Huakun Zhou, Yu Liu, Yurui Li, Shiliang Liu. 2020. Reconsidering the efficiency of grazing exclusion using fences on the Tibetan Plateau. Science Bulletin doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2020.04.035. Haijun Liao, Qiao Liu, Yan Zhong, Xuyang Lu. 2020. Landsat-Based Estimation of the Glacier Surface Temperature of Hailuogou Glacier, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Between 1990 and 2018. Remote Sensing 12: 2105. Yang Hu, Hongmao Jiang, Fenglan Wang, Zongheng Xu, Youchao Chen, Shuqin Ma, Yan Yan, Xuyang Lu*. 2020. Opposite responses of global warming potential to ammonium and nitrate addition in an alpine steppe soil from northern Tibet. Global Ecology and Conservation 23: e01115. (Corresponding author) YunXu, Xiaoping Qiu, XuetingYang, Xuyang Lu*, Guojie Chen. 2020. Disaster risk management models for rural relocation communities of mountainous southwestern China under the stress of geological disasters. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 50: 101697. (Corresponding author) Xiaoke Zhang, Xindong Du, Jiangtao Hong, Ziyin Du, Xuyang Lu*, Xiaodan Wang*. 2020. Effects of climate change on the growing season of alpine grassland in Northern Tibet, China. Global Ecology and Conservation 23: e01126. (Corresponding author)
2019 Youchao Chen, Shuqin Ma, Hongmao Jiang, Degyi Yangzom, Genwei Cheng, Xuyang Lu*. 2019. Decomposition time, chemical traits and climatic factors determine litter-mixing effects on decomposition in an alpine steppe ecosystem in Northern Tibet. Plant and Soil doi.org/10.1007/s11104-019- 04131-9. (Corresponding author)
2018 Xuyang Lu, Shuqin Ma, Youchao Chen, Degyi Yangzom, Hongmao Jiang. 2018. Squalene Found in Alpine Grassland Soils under a Harsh Environment in the Tibetan Plateau, China. Biomolecules 8: 154. Youchao Chen, Shuqin Ma, Jing Liu, Genwei Cheng, Xuyang Lu*. 2018. Soil C and N dynamics and their non-additive responses to litter mixture under different moisture conditions from an alpine steppe soil, Northern Tibet. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 125: 231–238. (Corresponding author) Genwei Cheng, Xuyang Lu*, Xiaodan Wang, Jian Sun. 2018. Rebirth after death: forest succession dynamics in response to climate change on Gongga Mountain, Southwest China. Journal of Mountain Science 15: 1671–1681. (Corresponding author) Shuqin Ma, Youchao Chen, Xuyang Lu*, Xiaodan Wang*. 2018. Soil organic matter chemistry: based on pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS).Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry15: 389–403. (Corresponding author) Jian Sun, Tiancai Zhou, Miao Liu, Youchao Chen, Hua Shang, Liping Zhu, Arshad Ali Shedayi, Huan Yu, Genwei Cheng, Guohua Liu, Ming Xu, Wei Deng, Jihui Fan, Xuyang Lu, Yukun Sha. 2018. Linkages of the dynamics of glaciers and lakes with the climate elements over the Tibetan Plateau. Earth-Science Reviews 185, 308–324. Jian Sun, Baibing Ma, Xuyang Lu*. 2018. Grazing enhances soil nutrient effects: trade-offs between above and below-ground biomass in alpine grasslands of the Tibetan Plateau. Land Degradation and Development 29: 337–348. (Corresponding author)
2017 Xuyang Lu, Kathy C. Kelsey, Yan Yan, Jian Sun, Xiaodan Wang, Genwei Cheng, Jason C. Neff. 2016. Effects of grazing on ecosystem structure and function of alpine grasslands in Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau: a synthesis. Ecosphere 8:e01656, 10.1002/ecs2.1656. Youchao Chen, Shuqin Ma, Jian Sun, Xiaodan Wang, Genwei Cheng, Xuyang Lu*. 2017. Chemical diversity and incubation time affect non-additive responses of soil carbon and nitrogen cycling to litter mixtures from an alpine steppe soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 109: 124–134. (Corresponding author)
2016 Xiaoke Zhang, Xuyang Lu*, Xiaodan Wang. 2016. Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods Based on Rain Gauges for Annual Precipitation on the Tibetan Plateau, China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 25: 1339-1345.(Corresponding author) Ma Xingxing, Yan Yan, Hong Jiangtao, Lu Xuyang, Wang Xiaodan. 2016. Impacts of warming on root biomass allocation in alpine steppe on the north Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Mountain Science 14: 1615-1623. Xiaojing Qin, Jian Sun, Miao Liu, Xuyang Lu. 2016. The impact of climate change and human activity on net primary production in Tibet. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 25: 2113–2120.
2015 X. Lu, Y. Yan, J. Sun, X. Zhang, Y. Chen, X. Wang, G. Cheng. 2015. Short-teim grazing exclusion has no impact on soil properties and nutrients of degraded alpine grassland in Tibet, China. Solid earth 6: 1195–1205. Xuyang Lu, Yan Yan, Jian Sun, Xiaoke Zhang, Youchao Chen, Xiaodan Wang and Genwei Cheng. 2015. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus storage in alpine grassland ecosystems of Tibet: effects of grazing exclusion. Ecology and Evolution 5: 4492–4504. Youchao Chen, Jian Sun, Fangting Xie, Xiaodan Wang, Genwei Cheng, Xuyang Lu*. 2015. Litter chemical structure is more important than species richness in affecting soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics including gas emissions from an Alpine soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 51: 791–800.(Corresponding author) Youchao Chen, Jian Sun, Fangting Xie, Yan Yan, Xiaodan Wang, Genwei Cheng, Xuyang Lu*. 2015. Non-additive effects of litter diversity on greenhouse gas emissions from alpine steppe soil in Northern Tibet. Scientific Reports 5: 17664; doi: 10.1038/srep17664.(Corresponding author) Xiaoke Zhang, Xuyang Lu*, Xiaodan Wang. 2015. Spatial-temporal NDVI variation of different alpine grassland classes and groups in Northern Tibet from 2000 to 2013. Mountain Research and Development 35: 254–263. (Corresponding author) Yan Yan, Xuyang Lu*. 2015. Is grazing exclusion effective in restoring vegetation in degraded alpine grasslands in Tibet, China? PeerJ 3:e1020; DOI : 10.7717/peerj.1020 (Corresponding author)
2014之前 Yanjiang Cai, Xiaodan Wang, Linlin Tian, Hui Zhao, Xuyang Lu, Yan Yan. 2014. The impact of excretal returns from yak and Tibetan sheep dung on nitrous oxide emissions in an alpine steppe on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 76: 90-99. Yanjiang Cai, Xiaodan Wang, Weixin Ding, Linlin Tian, Hui Zhao, Xuyang Lu. 2013. Potential short-term effects of yak and Tibetan sheep dung on greenhouse gas emissions in two alpine grassland soils under laboratory conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils 49: 1212-1226. Xuyang Lu, Yan Yan, Jihui Fan, Xiaodan Wang. 2012. Gross nitrification and denitrification in alpine grassland ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 44: 188–196. Xuyang Lu, Genwei Cheng. 2009. Climate change effects on soil carbon dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions in Abies fabri forest of subalpine, Southwest China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 41: 1015–1021. Lu Xuyang, Cheng Genwei, Xiao Feipeng, Fan Jihui. 2008. Modeling effects of temperature and precipitation on carbon characteristics and GHGs emissions in Abies fabri forest of subalpine. Journal of Environmental Sciences 20: 339–346.
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