个人简介: 鲍玉海,男,1981年出生,山东成武人,中共党员,博士,副研究员。主要从事土壤侵蚀与水土保持方面的研究工作。
招生专业: 土壤学(土壤侵蚀)、环境工程(水土保持与生态修复)、资源与环境
学习与工作经历: 1999.09~2003.07,山东农业大学,水土保持与荒漠化防治专业,学士学位 2003.09~2006.07,山东农业大学,水土保持与荒漠化防治专业,硕士学位 2006.09~2009.07,中国科学院研究生院,自然地理学专业,博士学位 2009.07~至 今,中科院成都山地灾害与环境研究所工作 2016.11~2017.12,美国雪城大学,国家公派访问学者
研究方向及科研工作: 近年来重点对大型水库消落带土壤-泥沙-污染物-植被互动效应、土壤侵蚀过程机理及其影响机制、生态治理关键技术与模式等进行了较为深入系统的研究和发展,形成了以水库消落带土壤侵蚀过程与生态保育为主题的特色研究方向。 先后主持了国家自然科学青年基金、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目课题、国家科技支撑计划项目专题、国家重大水专项子课题、国家重点研发计划子课题、中科院西部行动计划课题、中科院“STS”项目课题、中科院“西部之光”人才培养计划项目和四川省重点研发计划项目等科研任务。同时参与了中科院国际合作伙伴创新团队项目等科研工作。在Earth-Science Reviews、National Science Review、Science of the Total Environment、Catena、Environmental Research、Ecological Indicators、农业工程学报、水土保持通报、水土保持学报、中国水土保持科学等期刊发表论文100余篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文48篇(Top期刊SCI论文7篇);国家专利授权17项;软件著作权登记2项;参编国家行业标准2项、主编地方标准1项;副主编专著1部、参编专著1部;获得中国水土保持学会优秀设计奖1项。
社会任职、荣誉称号: 中国水土保持学会小流域综合治理专业委员会委员
代表性论文论著: Bao Yuhai, Xiubin He, Anbang Wen, et al., 2018. Dynamic changes of soil erosion in a typical disturbance zone of China's Three Gorges Reservoir, CATENA, 169, 128-139. Bao Yuhai, Gao Peng. and He Xiubin, 2015. The water-level fluctuation zone of Three Gorges Reservoir — A unique geomorphological unit. Earth-Science Reviews, 150: 14-24. Bao Yuhai, Tang Qiang, He Xiubin, Hu Yunhua and Zhang Xinbao, 2015. Soil erosion in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Hydrology Research, 46(2): 212-221. Bao Yuhai, He Xiubin, Wei Jie, Tang Qiang and Guo Feng, 2012. Soil erosion under different land uses in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. IAHS Redbook, pp. 198-201. Bao Yuhai, Nan Hongwei, He Xiubin, Long Yi and Zhang Xinbao, 2010. Sedimentation in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. IAHS Redbook, pp. 224-228. Bao Yuhai, Li H.Y. and Zhao H.F., 2012. Effect of shelterbelts on winter wheat yields in sanded farmland of north-western Shandong province, China. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment, 10(3-4): 1399-1403. Jinlin Li, Yuhai Bao*(Corresponding author), Jie Wei, Xiubin He*, Qiang Tang, Xinbao Zhang, Shengjun Wu, Ping Huang, Hong Li. Application of 210Pbex in elucidating contemporary sedimentary dynamics in the water-level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Catena, 2023, 229: 107227. Jinlin Li, Yuhai Bao*(Corresponding author), Jie Wei, Xiubin He*(Corresponding author), Qiang Tang, Shengjun Wu, Ping Huang, Maohua Ma, Ping Zhou, Mingfeng Wang. Scaling properties of particle-size distributions of purple soils in a small agricultural watershed: A multifractal analysis. Catena, 2022, 215, 106326. Nsabimana Gratien, Bao Yuhai*(Corresponding author), He Xiubin, Nambajimana Jean de Dieu, Yang Ling, Li Jinlin, Uwiringiyimana Ernest, Nsengumuremyi Pascal, Ntacyabukura Tite. Soil aggregate stability response to hydraulic conditions in water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Catena, 2021, 204: 105387. Lyu Jiaorong, Bao Yuhai*(Corresponding author), Xie Hangyu, Li Hong, Hu Yunhua, He Xiubin. Spatiotemporal variation of the loose deposits in Baisha River Basin after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Journal of Mountain Science, 2022, 19(9): 2544-2555. Qiang Tang, Yuhai Bao, Xiubin He, Bojie Fu, Adrian L. Collins, Xinbao Zhang. 2016. Flow regulation manipulates contemporary seasonal sedimentary dynamics in the reservoir fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Science of the Total Environment, 548-549: 410-420. Xu Wenxiu, Yang Ling, Bao Yuhai*(Corresponding author), et al.. Soil antiscourability enhanced by herb roots in a reservoir water level fluctuation zone. Journal of Mountain Science, 2021, 18(2):392-406. Gratien Nsabimana, Li Hong, Bao Yuhai*(Corresponding author), Jean de Dieu Nambajimana, Li Jinlin, Tite Ntacyabukura, He Xiubin, Soil aggregate disintegration effects on soil erodibility in the water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China, Environmental Research, 2023, 217: 114928, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2022.114928. Hangyu Xie, Jiaorong Lyu, Bao Yuhai*(Corresponding author), Yantong Yu, Yu Li, Xiaolan Zheng, Xiubin He. 2023. Spatial and temporal variation of nearshore significant wave height in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Ecological Indicators, 151: 110343, Zhong Ronghua, He Xiubin, Bao Yuhai*(Corresponding author), et al. 2016. Estimation of soil reinforcement by the roots of four post-dam prevailing grass species in the riparian zone of Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Journal of Mountain Science, 13(3): 508-521. 鲍玉海,殷燕利,秦伟,陈尚书,贺秀斌.水土保持科技示范园区规划设计—以简阳南冲堰示范园为例.中国水土保持科学,2019,17(03):148-154. 鲍玉海,郭丰,胡保生,王建华,贺秀斌,张淑娟.西南干旱河谷区水库消落带柳树造林效果评价.水土保持研究,2018,25(05):216-219. 鲍玉海,丛佩娟,冯伟,王海燕,贺秀斌,田风霞.西南紫色土区水土流失综合治理技术体系.水土保持通报,2018,38(03):143-150. 鲍玉海,贺秀斌,钟荣华,高进长,唐强.三峡水库消落带植被重建途径及其固土护岸效应.水土保持研究,2014,06:171-174+180. 鲍玉海,贺秀斌.三峡水库消落带土壤侵蚀问题初步探讨.水土保持研究,2011,06:190-195. 鲍玉海,贺秀斌,杨吉华,孙成楠,李红云,宗萍萍.三种网格的农田防护林防止土壤风蚀的效应研究.水土保持学报,2007,02:5-8. 鲍玉海,贾松伟,贺秀斌.土壤侵蚀磁性示踪技术.水土保持研究,2007,06:5-9. 鲍玉海,杨吉华,李红云,郑兆亮,宗萍萍.不同灌木树种蒸腾速率时空变异特征及其影响因子的研究.水土保持学报,2005,03:184-187. 贺秀斌,鲍玉海*(通讯作者).三峡水库消落带土壤侵蚀与生态重建研究进展.中国水土保持科学,2019,17(04):160-168. 徐文秀,鲍玉海*(通讯作者),韦杰,杨玲,贺秀斌,李进林.水库消落带典型草本植物根系对土壤抗冲性能的影响.水土保持学报,2019,33(04):65-71+109. 郑晓岚,鲍玉海*(通讯作者),贺秀斌,等.周期性淹水对水库消落带根土复合体抗剪性能的影响.水土保持学报:1-10[2023-05-20] 高银超,鲍玉海*(通讯作者),贺秀斌,刘秀华.三峡库区小江流域AnnAGNPS模型参数分析.西南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2012,05:127-134. 杨玲,贺秀斌,鲍玉海*(通讯作者),郑晓岚,宋娇,李进林.水库消落带不同海拔狗牙根草地土壤可蚀性研究.水土保持研究,2021,28(05):1-6.. 徐文秀,杨玲,鲍玉海*(通讯作者),韦杰,李进林,曹龄心.大型水库消落带2种典型耐淹草本植物单根抗拉力学特性.水土保持研究,2020,27(05):259-264+272. 钟荣华,贺秀斌,鲍玉海*(通讯作者),杨克君,高进长,吕发友.狗牙根和牛鞭草的消浪减蚀作用.农业工程学报,2015,02:133-140. 郑晓岚,杨玲,宋娇,鲍玉海*(通讯作者),李进林,贺秀斌.水库消落带土壤颗粒组成分形及其空间分异特征.水土保持研究,2022,29(01):66-71.
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