个人简介: 靳华安,男,1984年生,汉族,山东泰安人,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师 招生专业: 地图学与地理信息系统 学习与工作经历: 2011.07-至今,中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所,数字山地与遥感应用中心,助理研究员、副研究员 2022.09-2023.09,法国生物圈空间研究中心(CESBIO),访问学者 2008.09-2011.07,北京师范大学,地理科学学部,博士 2005.09-2008.07,中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,硕士 2001.09-2005.07,聊城大学,环境与规划学院,学士 研究方向及科研工作: 研究方向 植被参数遥感反演与数据同化、机器/深度学习方法应用、长时序遥感数据产品分析 主持科研项目 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于深度学习的不同空间尺度时间序列叶面积指数遥感反演”,2021-2024. 中国科学院“西部青年学者”项目“四川省高分辨率叶面积指数遥感反演及产品生产”,2021-2023. 国家重点研发计划子课题“山地关键参数通用快速反演算法构建与验证”,2021-2025. 社会任职、荣誉称号: 中国科学院“西部青年学者”、《Chinese Geographical Science》优秀审稿人、中国农业工程学会优秀论文奖; 担任Remote Sensing of Environment, IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing, Chinese Geographical Science等多个国际权威学术期刊审稿人; 培养学生获国家奖学金、一等学业奖学金、三好学生等荣誉 代表性论文论著: 发表论文70余篇,近年来代表性论文: Jin Huaan, Li Ainong, Liang Shunlin, et al. Generating high spatial resolution GLASS FAPAR product from Landsat images. Science of Remote Sensing, 2022, 6, 100060. Liu Tian, Jin Huaan*, Xie Xinyao, et al. Bi-LSTM Model for Time Series Leaf Area Index Estimation Using Multiple Satellite Products. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2022, 19, 1-5. Liu Tian, Jin Huaan*, Li Ainong, et al. Estimation of Vegetation Leaf-Area-Index Dynamics from Multiple Satellite Products through Deep-Learning Method. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14, 4733. Zhang Wenqi, Jin Huaan*, Shao Huaiyong, et al. Temporal and Spatial Variations in the Leaf Area Index and Its Response to Topography in the Three-River Source Region, China from 2000 to 2017. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2021, 10, 33. Jin Huaan, Li Ainong, Xu Weixing, et al. Evaluation of topographic effects on multiscale leaf area index estimation using remotely sensed observations from multiple sensors. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2019, 154, 176-188. Jin Huaan, Li Ainong, Yin Gaofei, et al. A multiscale assimilation approach to improve fine resolution leaf area index dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019, 57(10): 1-16. Jin Huaan, Xu Weixing, Li Ainong, et al. Spatially and temporally continuous leaf area index mapping for crops through assimilation of multi-resolution satellite data. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11, 2517. Jin Huaan, Li Ainong, Bian Jinhu, et al. Intercomparison and validation of MODIS and GLASS leaf area index (LAI) products over mountain areas: A case study in southwestern China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2017, 55: 52-67. Jin Huaan, Li Ainong, Wang Jindi, et al. Improvement of spatially and temporally continuous crop leaf area index by integration of CERES-Maize model and MODIS data. European Journal of Agronomy, 2016, 78: 1-12. 联系方式: 通讯方式:610299,成都市天府新区群贤南街189号,中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所 Email: jinhuaan@imde.ac.cn |
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