学习与工作经历: 2020.8~ 中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所,副研究员 2016.07~2020.07中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所,助理研究员 2013.09~2016.06中国科学院大学,自然地理学,博士 2010.09~2013.06中国科学院大学,自然地理学,硕士
研究方向及科研工作: 主要从事高寒冻融区土壤-植物C、N、P养分循环的研究工作。 先后承担了第二次青藏科考子课题、国家自然科学基金青年项目、国家重点研发计划项目专题、中国科学院STS项目专题、中国科学院“西部之光”博士等项目。
代表性论文论著: (1)Jiangtao H, Xuyang L, Xingxing M, Xiaodan W. Five-year study on the effects of warming and plant litter quality on litter decomposition rate in a Tibetan alpine grassland. Science of the Total Environment 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142306 (2)Jiangtao H, Xin X, Bo P, Xingxing M, Xiaodan W. Significant soil acidification caused by grazing exclusion across China’s grassland areas. Land Degradation and Development.2020, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3722 (3)Jiangtao H, Xiaojing Q, Xingxing M, Xin X, Xiaodan W. Seasonal shifting in the absorption pattern of alpine species for NO3- and NH4+ on the Tibetan Plateau. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2019, 55:801-811. (4)Jiangtao H, Xingxing M. Yan Y, Xiaoke Z, Xiaodan W. Which root traits determine nitrogen uptake by alpine plant species on the Tibetan Plateau? Plant and Soil, 2018, 424: 63–72. (5)Jiangtao H, Xingxing M, Xiaoke Z, Xiaodan W. Nitrogen uptake pattern of herbaceous plants: coping strategies in altered neighbor species. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2017, 53:729-735. (6)Jiangtao H, Xingxing M, Xiaodan W. Leaf meristems: An easily ignored component of the response to human disturbance in alpine grasslands. Ecology and Evolution, 2016, 6: 2325–2332 (7)Jiangtao H, Xiaodan W, Jianbo W. Effects of soil fertility on the N:P stoichiometry of herbaceous plants on a nutrient-limited alpine steppe on the northern Tibetan Plateau. Plant and Soil, 2015, 391:179-194. 联系方式: 通讯方式:中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所,成都市人民南路4段9号,610041 Email:hongjiangtao@imde.ac.cn
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