个人简介: 王涛,男,1985年11月生,博士,研究员。
招生专业: 土壤学
学习与工作经历: 学习经历: 2002.09—2006.09 山东农业大学资源与环境学院环境科学专业本科学习 2006.09—2009.07 中国科学院南京土壤研究所环境科学专业硕士研究生 2010.05—2013.08 新西兰梅西大学农业与环境学院环境土壤学博士研究生 工作经历: 2013.07—2014.08 新西兰梅西大学农业与环境学院Research Officer 2014.11—2016.10 瑞典隆德大学生物系微生物生态研究组博士后 2016.11—2020.03 瑞典隆德大学生物系微生物生态研究组Researcher 2020.10至今 中科院成都山地所研究员
研究方向及科研工作: 主要研究方向为(山地)生物地球化学和土壤有机质化学。 结合先进的光谱、色谱、质谱、同位素及微生物生态学技术和方法,深入研究土壤微生物-有机质-矿物的交互作用,探讨驱动和控制土壤碳、氮、磷等生源要素循环的分子机制及对环境变化的响应。
社会任职、荣誉称号: 中国土壤学会国际合作与交流工作委员会委员 Frontiers in Soil Science Review Editor 代表性论文论著: 代表性论文: Wang, T., Persson, P., and Tunlid, A.* (2021) A widespread mechanism in ectomycorrhizal fungi to access nitrogen from mineral-associated proteins. Environ Microbiol https://doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.15539.
Wang, T.*, Tian, Z., Tunlid, A., and Persson, P. (2020) Nitrogen acquisition from mineral-associated proteins by an ectomycorrhizal fungus. New Phytol 228: 697-711. (Highlighted with commentary: Keiluweit and Kuyper, New Phytol 228: 406–408.)
Tian, Z.#, Wang, T.#, Tunlid, A., and Persson, P.* (2020) Proteolysis of iron oxide-associated bovine serum albumin. Environ Sci Technol 54: 5121-5130. (#equal contribution).
Li, Y. *, Wang, T., Camps-Arbestain, M., Suárez-Abelenda, M., and Whitby, C.P. (2020) Lime and/or phosphate application affects the stability of soil organic carbon: Evidence from changes in quantity and chemistry of the soil water-extractable organic matter. Environ Sci Technol 54: 13908-13916.
Wang, T.*, Tian, Z., Tunlid, A., and Persson, P. (2019) Influence of ammonium on formation of mineral-associated organic carbon by an ectomycorrhizal fungus. Appl Environ Microbiol 85: e03007-03018.
Wang, T., Tian, Z., Bengtson, P., Tunlid, A.*, and Persson, P.* (2017) Mineral surface-reactive metabolites secreted during fungal decomposition contribute to the formation of soil organic matter. Environ Microbiol 19: 5117-5129.
Wang, T., Camps-Arbestain, M.*, and Hedley, C. (2016) Factors influencing the molecular composition of soil organic matter in New Zealand grasslands. Agric, Ecosyst Environ 232: 290-301.
Wang, T.*, Camps-Arbestain, M., and Hedley, M. (2014) The fate of phosphorus of ash-rich biochars in a soil-plant system. Plant Soil 375: 61-74.
Wang, T.*, Camps-Arbestain, M., and Hedley, M. (2013) Predicting C aromaticity of biochars based on their elemental composition. Org Geochem 62: 1-6.
Wang, T.*, Camps Arbestain, M., Hedley, M., and Bishop, P. (2012) Chemical and bioassay characterisation of nitrogen availability in biochar produced from dairy manure and biosolids. Org Geochem 51: 45-54.
Wang, T.*, Camps-Arbestain, M., Hedley, M., and Bishop, P. (2012) Predicting phosphorus bioavailability from high-ash biochars. Plant Soil 357: 173-187. (ESI highly cited)
参编论著: Camps-Arbestain, M., Shen, Q., Wang, T., van Zwieten, L. and Novak, J. (2017) Available nutrients in biochar. Biochar: A Guide to Analytical Methods, CRC Press, 109-125.
Pereira, R., Camps-Arbestain, M., Wang, T., Enders, A. (2017) Inorganic carbon. Biochar: A Guide to Analytical Methods, CRC Press, 51-63.
Camps-Arbestain, M., Amonette, J.E., Singh, B., Wang, T., and Schmidt, H.P. (2015) A biochar classification system and associated test methods. Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation. Taylor and Francis, London, 165-194.
联系方式:中国科学院成都山地所山地表生过程与生态调控重点实验室 通讯方式:610041,成都市人民南路4段9号,中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所 Email: wangtao@imde.ac.cn
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