个人简介: 赵转军,女,理学博士,研究员,博士生导师。主持、参与“国家自然科学基金面上项目”、“国家科技支撑计划”、“国家环保公益项目”等多项研究工作,产出研究论文100余篇。
招生专业: 土壤学,环境科学,环境工程。
学习与工作经历: 1995年9月至1999年7月,兰州大学地质系地质学专业学士; 1999年9月至2002年7月,兰州大学资源环境学院自然地理专业硕士; 2005年9月至2010年7月,兰州大学资源环境学院环境科学专业博士; 2002年7月至2022年9月于兰州大学资源环境学院环境科学与工程系任教,先后获得讲师、副教授、教授职称。 2011年至2012年以国家留学基金委访问学者身份赴美国科罗拉多州立大学(CSU)土壤农作物系开展合作研究。 2022年10月至今,中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所研究员。
研究方向及科研工作: 主要从事土壤-农作物系统重金属污染物迁移转化、农田污染土壤调理技术研发、污染场地治理与修复、水体重金属污染治理、环境岩土工程与环境问题等内容研究。
社会任职、荣誉称号: 获得省级科技进步奖(二等奖)3项 ,授课期间多次获得校级教学奖项。
代表性论文论著: [1] Liangwei Han, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Jie Li, Xiangbang Ma,Xu Zheng, Haoyu Yue, Guohuai Sun, Zhiyuan Lin, Shuqi Guan. Remediation of Cd Contaminated Alkaline Soil by Humic and Hydroxyapatite: A Field Trial[J]. Science of the Total Environment. 2023,859:160315. [2] 马翔邦,赵转军*,韩亮威,郑旭,孙国怀,岳皓钰.腐植酸作用下生物炭对Cd污染土壤的修复效果[J]. 农业环境科学学报. 2023,42(1):55-64. [3] 李杰,赵转军*,马翔邦,韩亮威,林致远,关姝琪. 优化水铁矿-腐殖酸复合材料对镉、铅污染土壤的稳定化[J]. 环境化学. 2022, 41(8): 2693-2702. [4]Zhuanjun Zhao, Liwei Yao,Jie Li, Xiangbang Ma,Liangwei Han, Zhiyuan Lin, Shuqi Guan. Determination of interactions of ferrihydrite -humic acid-Pb (II) system [J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2022,29:21561-21575. [5]Yiran Song, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Jing Li, Yang You, Xiangbang Ma, Jie Li, Xiuwen Cheng*, Preparation of silicon-doped ferrihydrite for adsorption of lead and cadmium: Property and mechanism[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2021,32:3169-3174. [6]Jing Li, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Yiran Song, Yang You, Jie Li, Xiuwen Cheng*. Synthesis of Mg(II) doped ferrihydrite-humic acid coprecipitation and its Pb(II)/Cd(II) ion sorption mechanism[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2021:32:3231-3236. [7]Yang You, Zhuanjun Zhao,Yiran Song, Jing Li, Jie Li. Synthesis of magnetized nitrogen-doped biochar and its high efficiency for elimination of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride by activation of peroxymonosulfate[J]. Separation and Purification Technology. 2021, 258, 117977. [8]Yang You,Zekai Shi, Yunhe Li,Zhuanjun Zhao*,Bo He, Xiuwen Cheng*. Magnetic cobalt ferrite biochar composite as peroxymonosulfate activator for removal of lomefloxacin hydrochloride [J].Separation and Purification Technology.2021,272,118889 [9]Miaomiao Xu, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Yiran Song, Jing Li, Yang You, Jie Li. Evaluation of ferrihydrite-humic acid coprecipitate as amendment to remediate a Cd- and Pb-contaminated soil[J]. Geoderma.2020,361:114131. [10]Miao Shi, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Yiran Song, et al. A novel heat-treated humic acid/MgAl-layered double hydroxide composite for efficient removal of cadmium: Fabrication, performance and mechanisms[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2020.187: 82-90. [11]Miaomiao Xu, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Miao Shi, Liwei Yao, Tianfeng Fan, Zemin Wang. Effect of humic acid on the stabilization of cadmium in soil by coprecipitating with ferrihydrite[J].Environmental science and pollution research, 2019, 26:27330-27337. [12]Miao Shi, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Yiran Song, Zemin Wang, Tianfeng Fan, and Jing Li. Competitive Adsorption of Pb and Cd on Ferrihydrite Modified by Humic Acid[J].Science of Advanced Materials, 2019,11: 1180-1188 . [13]Liwei Yao, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Lifang Zhao, Zhaohu Zhang, Miao Shi, and Miao Miao Xu. Evaluation of Adsorption of Cadmium onto Ferrihydrite-Humic Acid Coprecipitation[J]. Science of Advanced Materials,2019, 11: 1232- 1240. [14]Zhuanjun Zhao, Zhongren Nan*, Zhaowei Wang, Yiming Yang, Masayuki Shimizu. Interaction between Cd and Pb in the soil plant system:the arid oasis soil-coles system case study[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2014.6: 59 -68. [15]Peng Liu, Chaolin Li*, Zhuanjun Zhao, Gang Lu, Haibo Cui , Wenfang Zhang Induced effects of advanced oxidation processes[J]. Nature- Scientific Report. 2014.4(4018):1-4. [16]Zhongren Nan, Zhuanjun Zhao*, Xiaowen Liu, U.K.Saha, Lena Q. Ma, A R. Clarke-Satherc, The Uptake and Translocation of Selected Elements by Cole (Brassica) Grown Using Oasis Soils in Pot Experiments[J], Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry.2010. 92: 1541-1549.
联系方式: 通讯方式:610041,成都市人民南路4段9号,中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所 电话:028-85230076 传真:028-85222258 Email:zhaozj@imed.ac.cn
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