个人简介: 谢馨瑶,女,1992年生,重庆人,博士 招生专业: 地图学与地理信息系统 学习与工作经历:
研究方向及科研工作: 研究方向 主要从事山地碳水过程遥感监测理论方法与应用研究,重点涉及山地碳水循环过程关键参数遥感估算建模与尺度扩展,山地全球变化遥感监测,山地灾害风险和极端事件遥感识别、监测与分析等。以第一作者发表学术论文20余篇,授权国家发明专利3项。 主持项目
社会任职、荣誉称号: 获中国科学院院长特别奖,四川省优秀毕业生,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员; 担任Remote Sensing of Environment、Agricultural and Forest Meteorology、Journal of Hydrology、International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation等多个国际权威学术期刊审稿人 代表性论文论著: [1] Xie, X., Zhao, W. and Yin, G. (2023). TAVIs: Topographically adjusted vegetation index for a reliable proxy of gross primary productivity in mountain ecosystems. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1-1 [2] Xie, X., Chen, J.M., Yuan, W., Guan, X., Jin, H. and Leng, J. (2023). A Practical Algorithm for Correcting Topographical Effects on Global GPP Products. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 128,e2023JG007553 [3] Xie, X. and Li, A. (2023). How is the performance of satellite-based product suites in monitoring long-term dynamics of vegetation photosynthesis over global mountainous areas? International Journal of Applied EarthObservation and Geoinformation, 119, 103325 [4] Xie, X., Li, A., Tian, J., Wu, C. and Jin, H. (2023). A fine spatial resolution estimation scheme for large-scale gross primary productivity (GPP) in mountain ecosystems by integrating an eco-hydrological model with thecombination of linear and non-linear downscaling processes. Journal of Hydrology, 616, 128833 [5] Xie, X. and Li, A. (2023). Characterizing the effect of scaling errors on the spatial downscaling of mountain vegetation gross primary productivity. Geo-Spatial Information Science, 12 [6] Xie, X., Li, A., Chen, J.M., Guan, X. and Leng, J. (2022). Quantifying Scaling Effect on Gross Primary Productivity Estimation in the Upscaling Process of Surface Heterogeneity. Journal of Geophysical Research:Biogeosciences, 127, e2021JG006775 [7] Xie, X., Tian, J., Wu, C., Li, A., Jin, H., Bian, J., Zhang, Z., Nan, X. and Jin, Y. (2022). Long-term topographic effect on remotely sensed vegetation index-based gross primary productivity (GPP) estimation at the watershedscale. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 108, 102755 [8] Xie, X., Li, A., Guan, X., Tan, J., Jin, H. and Bian, J. (2021). A practical topographic correction method for improving Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer gross primary productivity estimation overmountainous areas. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 103, 102522 [9] Xie, X., Chen, J.M., Gong, P. and Li, A. (2021). Spatial Scaling of Gross Primary Productivity Over Sixteen Mountainous Watersheds Using Vegetation Heterogeneity and Surface Topography. Journal of GeophysicalResearch: Biogeosciences, 126, e2020JG005848 [10] Xie, X., Li, A., Tan, J., Jin, H., Nan, X., Zhang, Z., Bian, J. and Lei, G.B. (2020). Assessments of gross primary productivity estimations with satellite data-driven models using eddy covariance observation sites over the northern hemisphere. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 280, 14 [11] Xie, X. and Li, A. (2020). An Adjusted Two-Leaf Light Use Efficiency Model for Improving GPP Simulations Over Mountainous Areas. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 125, 19 [12] Xie, X. and Li, A. (2020). Development of a topographic-corrected temperature and greenness model (TG) for improving GPP estimation over mountainous areas. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 295, 13 [13] Xie, X., Li, A., Tan, J., Lei, G., Jin, H. and Zhang, Z. (2020). Uncertainty analysis of multiple global GPP datasets in characterizing the lagged effect of drought on photosynthesis. Ecological Indicators, 113, 106224 [14] Xie, X., Li, A., Jin, H., Tan, J., Wang, C., Lei, G., Zhang, Z., Bian, J. and Nan, X. (2019). Assessment of five satellite-derived LAI datasets for GPP estimations through ecosystem models. Science of the Total Environment, 690, 1120-1130 [15] Xie, X., Li, A., Jin, H., Yin, G. and Nan, X. (2018). Derivation of temporally continuous leaf maximum carboxylation rate (V-cmax) from the sunlit leaf gross photosynthesis productivity through combining BEPS model with light response curve at tower flux sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 259, 82-94 联系方式: 通讯方式:610299,四川省成都市天府新区群贤南街189号,中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所 Email:xinyaoxie@imde.ac.cn 热忱欢迎具有地理学、遥感、计算机、水文气象、生态学等相关背景的同学报考,也欢迎其他院校研究生联合培养 |
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