个人简介: 何松膛,男,理学博士,主要从事生态减灾与区域可持续发展研究,具体研究包括但不限于:山地景观生态-灾害综合风险评估与量化;山地灾害影响下的系统韧性表征及构建;基于自然解决方案的生态-岩土协同减灾模式及机理;山地灾害影响下的区域可持续发展研究;泥石流滩地系统开发利用评价与规划。目前在Land use policy、Catena、Journal of environmental management、Land degradation and development 等国际高水平核心期刊上发表文章 12 篇,发明专利 4 项。并受邀担任 Biogeotechnics 期刊青年编委,Journal of Radar and Optical Remote Sensing (http://www.jrors.ir/) 和 Journal of Nature and Spatial Sciences (JONASS) (https://www.jonass.ir/)编委,以及 Science of the total environment、 Acta Geophysica (AGPH)、Journal of mountain science、Agriculture、Land 等国际学术期刊的审稿人。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、四川省青年基金、四川省博士后特别资助、中国科学院青年促进会会员、国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金子课题、山地所青年基金等项目。硕博连读期间两次国家奖学金,四川省优秀毕业生。近年来,先后受邀参加第一次“根系固土与生态护坡学术沙龙”,并作报告《基于自然解决方案的生态-岩土协同减灾效益分析》,获特邀报告奖;连续两年获得山地所先进工作者称号,第三届国际水土保持学会“WASWAC Outstanding Youth Paper Award 2016”奖,工信部紧缺型人才称号。
招生专业: 自然地理学;岩土工程(土木水利)。
学习与工作经历: 2024.10-2025.10 布里斯托大学(英国),访问学者(合作导师:Jeffrey Neal) 2024.02-至今 中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所 副研究员 2020.03-2024.01 中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所 助理研究员 2014.09-2020.01 中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所 理学博士
研究方向及科研工作: 山地景观生态-灾害综合风险评估与量化; 山地灾害影响下的系统韧性表征; 基于自然解决方案的生态-岩土协同减灾模式及机理; 山地灾害影响下的区域可持续发展研究; 泥石流滩地系统开发利用评价与规划。
社会任职、荣誉称号: 中国科学院青年促进会会员 中国地球物理学会韧性减灾专委会委员 中国水土保持学会滑坡泥石流专委会委员
代表性论文论著: [1] He S,Yang H,Chen X,Wang D,Lin Y,Pei Z,Li Y,Akbar Jamali A. Ecosystem sensitivity and landscape vulnerability of debris flow waste-shoal land under development and utilization changes. Ecological Indicators,2024,158:111335 [2] He S,Chen W,Wang D,Chen X,Qi Y,Zhao P,Li Y,Lin Y,Jamali AA. Experimental investigation of the effects of shrub filter strips on debris flow trapping and interception. International Journal of Sediment Research,2023,38(2):265–278 [3] He S,Wang D,Zhao P,Chen W,Li Y,Chen X,Jamali AA. Dynamic simulation of debris flow waste‐shoal land use based on an integrated system dynamics – geographic information systems model. Land Degradation & Development,2022,33(12):2062–2075 [4] He S,Wang D,Li Y,Zhao P,Lan H,Chen W,Jamali AA,Chen X. Social-ecological system resilience of debris flow alluvial fans in the Awang basin,China. Journal of environmental management,2021,286:112230 [5] He S,Wang D,Zhao P,Li Y,Lan H,Chen W,Chen X. Quantification of basin-scale multiple ecosystem services in ecologically fragile areas. Catena,2021,202:105247 [6] He S,Wang D,Zhao P,Li Y,Lan H,Chen W,Jamali AA. A review and prospects of debris flow waste-shoal land use in typical debris flow areas,China. Land Use Policy,2020,99:105064 [7] He S,Wang D,Li Y,Fang Y,Lan H,Chen W. Implementation of a landscape ecological use pattern model: Debris flow waste-shoal land use in the Yeyatang Basin,Yunnan Province,China. Land Use Policy,2019,81:483–492 [8] He S,Wang D,Li Y,Zhao P. Land Use Changes and Their Driving Forces in a Debris Flow Active Area of Gansu Province,China.Sustainability,2018,10(8):2759 [9] He S,Wang D,Chang S,Fang Y,Lan H. Effects of the morphology of sediment-transporting channels on the erosion and deposition of debris flows. Environmental Earth Scirnces,2018,77(14):544 [10] He S,Wang D,Fang Y,Lan H. Guidelines for integrating ecological and biological engineering technologies for control of severe erosion in mountainous areas – A case study of the Xiaojiang River Basin,China. International Soil and Water Conservation Research,2017,5(4):335–344 [11] He S,Wang D,Chen S,Zhang S,Chang S. Natural consolidation characteristics off viscous debris flow deposition. Journal of Mountain Science,2016,13(10):1723–1734
联系方式:15528399792 通讯方式:610299,成都市天府新区群贤南街189号 电话:15528399792 Email: hest@imde.ac.cn
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